How to choose the right bulletproof vest?

There are various types of bulletproof vests. Whether it's style or level of protection, there's body armor for every occasion. Depending on the industry you work in, the protection you need, and even the style you wear, there is a bulletproof vest that is right for you. Learn how to differentiate them and how to choose a bulletproof vest in this article.

Covert or uncovered vests?

Choosing the right protection can mean the difference between life and death. Not only do you have to take into account the level of protection, but also your style. There are two main categories:

  • Covert: Designed so that no one knows that you are wearing protection. They are worn under clothing, and are thinner than the bare ones. They are designed to keep you cool and have more striking colors. Your carriers? Undercover security personnel, politicians or VIP civilians.
  • Discovered: Designed for security professionals, such as the military or police. They are worn over clothing, so their colors match the uniform, for example, military camouflage. They are thicker than coverts, so they offer more protection.

Vests according to your professional sector

The body protection you choose will be your faithful companion, make sure you know the risks you face, in order to choose the right bulletproof vest. Next, we are going to see some of the professional sectors that may need body protection.

military vests

The professionals who are most at risk. They can be attacked with ammunition of all kinds and of great caliber, they also need protection against shrapnel and other objects that can derive from an explosion. Therefore, the military must choose the highest protection, which is level IV (4).

police vests

It depends on the police force to which you belong, you may be exposed to more or less risks. As a general rule, it is usually said that a vest is chosen that resists the weapon that we ourselves carry, since the attacker can use it against us. In addition, police officers can be exposed to attacks with knives and other sharp weapons, so they must wear appropriate protection.

protection for hunters

Despite not having the same risks as the previous two professional categories, hunters can be accidentally shot by other hunters or poachers. Therefore, a vest with a high level of protection and a striking color is recommended, so that it is visible.

Protection levels in bulletproof vests

Bulletproof vests have different levels of protection, which correspond to the ammunition that resists. If you want to know more, take a look at our article about levels of protection in bulletproof vests.

As a summary, the protection levels range from IIA to IV, the latter being the highest. The difference between the levels is in the thickness of the plates and the type of ammunition they resist. These levels are given by the National Institute of Justice of the United States, where the vests are subjected to 6 shots to test their strength.

1 thought on “¿Cómo elegir el chaleco antibalas adecuado?”

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    Very competitive prices and high quality, without a doubt we have you.

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