Armies and security forces around the world have one thing in common: the use of bulletproof vests. Body protection has become an essential complement so that they can carry out their function safely. However, the use of these vests is not as simple as putting on and taking off, there are many factors and data that most people are unaware of. In this article, we will give you 6 amazing facts about body protection.
If it stops a bullet, does it hurt?
We have seen it in series and movies: a character with a bulletproof vest is shot and, despite still being alive, he is badly injured and in pain. But is it really so?
The answer is yes. If a vest does its job stopping a shot, the wearer will still receive the energy of the bullet and the impact of the vest itself against your skin. This can cause internal injuries, such as broken ribs, or bruises. It is said that being struck by a bullet while wearing body armor is like being hit in the stomach with a rubber hammer. Although, better that way than take a bullet.
They have an expiration date
The useful life of a bulletproof vest is around 5 years, according to most manufacturers. The reason is that the fiber of the vests, which is kevlar, tends to lose effectiveness over time, which makes the vest less secure. It is important to maintain it following the manufacturer's instructions.
That being said, what most determines the wear of a vest is the amount of use that is given to it. Armor that has not been used much in 5 years can still be effective, as long as it has been properly maintained.
There are different levels of protection
Depending on the needs of security forces, the protection levels of bulletproof vests vary. At a higher level, they are capable of stopping larger caliber weapons. The levels are established by the United States National Institute of Justice, and are as follows:
- Level II and IIA
- Level III and IIIA
- Tier IV
If you want to know more about the different levels of protection, visit our article about the topic.
are allergic to water
Bulletproof vests that are exposed to water, such as a chase ending in a swimming pool, may be less effective at protecting. This is because the material can be damaged.
However, manufacturers are beginning to change this. Some brands are making completely sealed vests, in which their effectiveness does not diminish after getting wet.
There are different types according to your needs
Whether you are a man or a woman, you want a vest that goes unnoticed or a model that stands out, there are body protections for all tastes and needs, even for dogs.
- Vests for men or women: Women in the security forces have complained that they are given vests designed for men, which is uncomfortable and dangerous. And they are right, their vests should have additional chest protection. Luckily, manufacturers already take this into account.
- Incognito Vests: In addition to the bulletproof vests that we all know, there is also more casual body armor, designed for senior executives or civilians. Designs vary, but range from armored jackets to backpacks.
- Dog vests: Man's best friend must be protected. Police dogs play an essential role for the agents, therefore, they have their own vests adapted to their needs.

No, wearing 2 vests does not protect you twice as much
Putting on 2 bulletproof vests, one on top of the other, creates several problems that greatly decrease their effectiveness. First of all, what they bulk and weigh would greatly reduce the agility of the agents. On the other hand, the protection levels of the vests are not continuous, that is, a level III vest protects almost 5 times more than a level IIIA one.
Therefore, it is best to know your needs well and choose the vest according to them.
How many types of bulletproof vests are there?
Good morning Paul,
In reference to your question, there are several levels of ballistic protection, both flexible and rigid.
What does exist is a wide variety of covers that depending on your profession you have different types.